First you should check if the ethernet-interface was detected.
Start a shell ("Menu | Utility | Rxvt terminal emulator") and enter the following command:
Can you see "eth0"?
If you can not see "eth0" enter the following command:
ifconfig eth0 up
To check if the ethernet-interface is available now, enter the following command:
Now you should see "eth0". Close the shell.
Start the program "Menu | Network | Roaring Penguin PPPoE".
Press the button "SETUP".
Enter your username (ask your provider), then press the return-key.
Enter the ethernet interface. eth0 is usually correct so you can press the return-key.
At the next question you confirm the default "no" and press the return-key.
Then you have to enter your IP adress. If you get a dynamic IP adress press the return-key only.
Now enter your password (ask your provider).
Enter your password again.
Choose "1" as a "standalone" firewall.
Now you can see your input again. If everything is alrigth press the key "y".
If you want to connect the internet-connection press the button "Start".
A message box opens and you get connected. Press the return-key.
You can now open the Internet browser "Menu | Internet | SeaMonkeyWebbrowser". Enter a URL and see if the Internet site is displayed.
If you want to disconnect the internet-connection press the button "Stop".
A message box opens and you get disconnected. Press the return-key.