键盘布局(Keyboard layout)

Keyboard layout

If you are using Xvesa as your video server and you do not have a US keyboard, you need to customise the keyboard layout. Start "Menu | Document | Geany text editor" and copy the following lines into it for a German keyboard layout.

clear shift
clear lock
clear control
clear mod1
clear mod2
clear mod3
!clear mod4
!clear mod5
!de-latin1.map: German keymap
keycode 9 = Escape Escape
keycode10 = 1 exclam
keycode11 = 2 quotedbl twosuperior
keycode12 = 3 section threesuperior
keycode13 = 4 dollar dollar
keycode14 = 5 percent
keycode15 = 6 ampersand
keycode16 = 7 slash braceleft
keycode17 = 8 parenleft bracketleft
keycode18 = 9 parenright bracketright
keycode19 = 0 equal braceright
keycode20 = ssharp question backslash
keycode21 = dead_acute dead_grave
keycode22 = BackSpace Delete
keycode23 = Tab Tab
keycode24 = q Q at
keycode25 = w
keycode26 = e E currency EuroSign
keycode27 = r
keycode28 = t
keycode29 = z
keycode30 = u
keycode31 = i
keycode32 = o
keycode33 = p
keycode34 = udiaeresis Udiaeresis
keycode35 = plus asterisk dead_tilde
keycode36 = Return
keycode37 = Control_L
keycode38 = a
keycode39 = s
keycode40 = d
keycode41 = f
keycode42 = g
keycode43 = h
keycode44 = j
keycode45 = k
keycode46 = l
keycode47 = odiaeresis Odiaeresis
keycode48 = adiaeresis Adiaeresis
keycode49 = dead_circumflex degree
keycode50 = Shift_L
keycode51 = numbersign apostrophe
keycode52 = y
keycode53 = x
keycode54 = c
keycode55 = v
keycode56 = b
keycode57 = n
keycode58 = m M mu
keycode59 = comma semicolon
keycode60 = period colon Multi_key
keycode61 = minus underscore
keycode62 = Shift_R
keycode63 = KP_Multiply
keycode64 = Alt_L Meta_L
keycode65 = space space
keycode66 = Caps_Lock
keycode67 = F1 F11
keycode68 = F2 F12
keycode69 = F3 F13
keycode70 = F4 F14
keycode71 = at F15
keycode72 = bar F16
keycode73 = dead_tilde F17
keycode74 = currency EuroSign F18
keycode75 = braceleft F19
keycode76 = braceright F20
keycode77 = Num_Lock
keycode78 = Scroll_Lock
keycode79 = KP_7
keycode80 = KP_8
keycode81 = KP_9
keycode82 = KP_Subtract
keycode83 = KP_4
keycode84 = KP_5
keycode85 = KP_6
keycode86 = KP_Add
keycode87 = KP_1
keycode88 = KP_2
keycode89 = KP_3
keycode90 = KP_0
keycode91 = KP_Decimal
keycode94 = less greater bar
keycode95 = bracketleft F11
keycode96 = bracketright F12
keycode98 = Up
!keycode99 = Prior
keycode 100 = Left
keycode 102 = Right
!keycode 104 = Down
keycode 105 = Control_R
keycode 106 = KP_Divide
keycode 108 = Alt_R
keycode 110 = Home
keycode 112 = Prior
keycode 113 = Left
keycode 114 = Right
keycode 115 = End
keycode 116 = Down
keycode 117 = Next
keycode 133 = Alt_L
keycode 134 = Alt_R
add shift = Shift_L Shift_R
add lock = Caps_Lock
add control = Control_L Control_R
add mod1 = Alt_L Alt_R
add mod2 = Mode_switch
add mod3 = Num_Lock
!add mod4 =
!add mod5 =

Save this file as .Xmodmap into the /root directory (please note that the first character of the file name should indeed be a dot). Then restart the X server by selecting "Menu | Shutdown | Restart X Server" (alternatively, you can open a console and issue the "xmodmap /root/.Xmodmap" command). Now the äöüÄÖÜ umlauts are available. The special characters @|~ have been assigned to the function keys F5, F6 and F7 (F7 has to be pressed twice to make the tilde appear). The {}[] brackets are located on function keys F9 to F12.

You can create country-specific keyboard layouts of your own by editing that file. To find out the correct keycodes, open a console and enter the "xev" command. The keycode of any key you press and its assigned character will then be displayed.