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Puppy Linux 4.2.1 正式版发布

sasaqqdan 的头像
2009年5月22日早上,Puppy新生代掌门WhoDo发布了Puppy Linux4.2.1正式版,该版的制作发布得到了BarryK老祖的鼓励和肯定,该版本与Puppy4.20相比,主要有以下修复或改进:
  1. 打印驱动从V1.4b2降级到V1.3.10,解决了原先的打印问题;
  2. 修复了Geany, Leafpad和 Gnumeric打印问题;
  3. AbiWord文档问题修复;
  4. Pwidgets升级到V2.0.8;
  5. Pcrypt取代Bcrypt;
  6. Rox-2.6.1 MIME文件类型更新;
  7. gtk+ Xinput 和 b43 broadcom 网卡驱动补丁;
  8. Pmusic(音乐播放器) 升级到 0.6.4;
  9. Pschedule(计划任务) 升级到 0.7;
  10. nbtscan, mountcifs, jwm托盘, xsane, 网络向导 ,mtpaint快照, gtk+2.12.1-Xinput-fix 和 pcp (控制面版)等补丁。
有关Puppy Linux4.2.1更详细的介绍,请查看

标准版(iso大小:100MB)    古董版(适用于老旧电脑,iso大小:101MB)



移除 0rootfs_skeleton-420    添加 0rootfs_skeleton-421

移除 abiword-2.6.6-i386-4  添加 abiword-2.6.3-complete-pup421  添加 abiword-extras-2.6.6-i386

添加 axel-2.3

移除 Axel-2.3-Puppydownload

移除 bcrypt-1.1  添加 ccrypt-1.7-i486

移除 Clearlooks-Chocolate-1

移除 cups-1.4b2-patched-i386-v5  添加 cups-1.3.10-i486  添加 cups-1.3.10-theme

添加 doc2pdf-0.1

添加 geany-fix1-0.16

移除 gtk+-2.12.1-bug-fixed  添加 gtk+-2.12.1-xinput

移除 hardinfo-20071031  添加 hardinfo-0.5.1-i386

添加 jwmtraypatch_update

添加 libgnomeprint-2.18.2
移除 libgnomeprint-2.18.5

移除 link-grammar-4.4.2-i386  添加 link-grammar-4.4.2-i386-stripped

添加 load_sfs-420b1

添加 mountcifs-1.5

移除 mtpaint-3.30  添加 mtpaint-3.30-421

添加 nbtscan-1.5.1a-james-patched

移除 net_setup-20081031  添加 net_setup-20090404

移除 newer_blinky_freemem-2

添加 No_bcm43xx_patch

移除 osmo-0.2.0  添加 osmo-0.2.0-421

移除 pburn-2.2.2  添加 pburn-2.2.3

移除 pcp-1.0.1  添加 pcp-1.0.2

添加 pcrypt-20090517

移除 pmusic-0.5.4  添加 pmusic-0.6.4

移除 pwidgets-2.0.6-4  添加 pwidgets-2.0.8

移除 remax-4.2.1  添加 remax-4.2.1-v2

添加 rox-docx

移除 rox_filer-2.6.1-pup10  添加 rox_filer-2.6.1-pup11

添加 snd-hda-intel-patchedApril09-k2.6.29.16

移除 syslinux-3.63-pup420  添加 syslinux-3.63-pup421

添加 xine-plugin-1.0

移除 xsane-0.996-i386  添加 xsane-0.996-NoGimp

最后附上──阵容强大的 Deep Thought 开发团队成员名单──o(^_^)o

* Warren (WhoDo) --- 掌门人(Co-ordination)
* Barry Kauler --- 太上掌门,项目顾问(Consultation and advice)
* Jeff (Ttuuxxx) --- 设计,开发,打包,答疑(Design,Development,Packaging,Troubleshooting)
* Sigmund (Zigbert) --- 设计与编程(Design and programming)
* Will (HairyWill) --- 编程与编译支持(Programming,and compiling support)
* Aragon --- 编译支持(Compiling support)
* Tempestuous ---编程(Programming)
* Kirk --- 编译支持(Compiling support)
* Muggins --- 编程与编译支持(Programming,and compiling support)
* Jeremy (Pizzasgood) --- 编程与咨询(Programming and advice)
* Dougal ---高级开发(Development)
* Chase (Cb88) --- 开源项目(Sourceforge)
* Mark Ulrich (MU) --- 编程编译和内核支持(Programming,compiling,and kernel support)
* Technosaurus --- 默认网页(Default webpage)
* Caneri (Eric) --- 主机(Hosting)
* Ed Jason (Lobster) ---火头僧,维基维护与宣传(General dogsbody,wiki maintainance,and publicity)
* Patriot --- 编程(Programming)
* Trio ---  编程(Programming)
* Tasmod --- 编程(Programming)
* 01micko --- 编程(Programming)
* MinHundHettePerro --- 编程(Programming)
* Jrb ---  编程(Programming)
* JebaJQ8 ---设计(Design)
* Coolpup ---维基维护与编译支持(Wiki maintainance,and compiling support)
* 预发布测试:以上所有人加上01micko,8-bit,`f00,alex12,Béèm,big_bass,brymway,capoverde,Christopher,cthisbear,d4p,davesurrey,daklander,darrelljon,dejan555,Doglover,Dogone,droope,edoc,esmourgit,ferikenagy,Flash,gerry,Greatnessguru,growler,himajin,jabu2,jakfish,jcoder24,Jim1911,JMX,liberomureddu,mawebb88,mikeb,Minnesota,NathanO,nic2109,pa_mcclamrock,panzerpuppy,PaulBx1,Ray MK,rerwin,seeker,straypup,Terryphi,tom4jesus,Tom Raft,trapster,tronkel,WB7ODYFred,Wellesfargo,zygo
puppy出的忒快了!这个边都跟不上了,不过一个东西出的越快 代表越不完美 啥时候官方可以定制支持汉语的puppy呀 最还把JWM改进了 把驱动器自动挂在解决了
aggov 的头像
看起来不是新核心 是新软件
哈哈 提好的 支持下
sasaqqdan 的头像
也可以直接修改/root/.xinitrc脚本,将fixmenus注释掉,或者改为:fixmenus &
古董版的?我的P3700 256M 20G应该算是古董了把,对与新手来说,其实最希望搞一个帮助功能,就是可以看到一般常用命令的用法,含义。
Have been trying to find a way to use these forums to get help with Chinese addons of Puppy and also advice on Chinese language learning aids in general.

Unfortunately, my ability to read Chinese is too limited to follow discussion in Chinese, even with the help of Google Translate. So I wonder if it would be possible to start an English discussion thread here?

I tried to look for one in the General Discussion area, but couldn't see one. I couldn't start a thread there either, as no text entry window opened for me. So I'm posting here (wherever that might be!)

I have Chinese character display enabled in Puppy 4.3.1, but would like to enable Chinese character entry capability as well. I've seen some posts and downloads related to this topic, but can't understand enough of the description to know how to install these add-ons or whether they will work on my system without disruption and do what I want.

I'm particularly interested in methods of enterying characters graphically without use of a pen tablet (ie. with a mouose). I only know of one program that offers this capability - NJStar, but haven't tried it yet. One problem with it is that it's a Windows program. Are there any freeware programs like this that will run under Puppy Linux or other Linux distros?

Other areas I'd like to get advice on from people fluent in both Chinese and English are multilingual Chinese-English (or French, German,Spanish) computer animations (like the Tintin/DingDing series of books, for instance), and Chinese OCR. The main problem with the commercial Asian OCR programs I've tried in demo form is that the English documentation is not clear enough for me to understand how the program works, or exactly what I can do with it.
Would you give details on how did you "enable Chinese character display"?
I am looking exactly for info. like that. Thank you.
Have just "upgraded" to Lucid Puppy aka Puppy 5.0.1 and was unable to save my old settings in the 4.3.1 2fs file.

I had to reinstall Seamonkey, and import my bookmarks. But now I find I can no longer display Chinese text, and i can't figure out how to enable it again myself.

Any suggestions would be most welcome.

PS. I don't recommend this upgrade for a number of reasons. Gxine is broken, there is no more xf-prot antivirus, I installed Gimp via "quicpet", but can't find it.

And I expect to find discover more problems...
sasaqqdan 的头像
Re:Have just "upgraded" to Lucid Puppy aka Puppy 5.0.1 and was unable to save my old settings in the 4.3.1 2fs file

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I can only read it with Google Page Translate, so I can only guess what you actually wrote in Chinese. Here's what I read:

"If you have half step package,please try running puppy2barbie. Not recommended to upgrad directly from puppy43x to puppy5, because both the kernel, gcc, glib, glibc, gtk +, etc. version easily lead to compatibility issues."

OK. What is "half step package"?.

Where can I download "puppy2barbie"?

Will puppy2barbie convert my puppy 4.3.1 2fs file into a format that puppy 5.0.1 can accept?
sasaqqdan 的头像
half step package(Half-step Chinese Experience Package) download here.

half step package include puppy2barbie script.
PS all my attempts to enable Chinese character display in Seamonkey or Firefox have failed.

There are many more, even more serious problems I have since discovered in Puppy 5.0.1 that I've detailed on the facebook group Puppy Linux:!/topic.php?uid=5908063818&topic=14666
OK. I downloaded and installed the package. But I'm not sure what happened, or whether I clicked on a wrong button somewhere. I do have simplified Chinese fonts in Seamonkey now, thanks. But when I open up Seamonkey and get the page with the various Puppy sites, all the text is in Chinese.

Since I couldn't understand the Chinese prompts, I may have chosen "total" instead of "basic".

Unfortunately, Puppy 5.0.1 isn't getting any better for me. The first time I clicked on your link, I downloaded the page it took me to. Then I selected "Google Page Translate", and that locked up Puppy again, for the fifth or sixth time today.

I think I've had more system crashes in one day with Puppy 5.0.1 than I had in two years of using Puppy 4.xx!
Can you recommend a pet that will let Seamonkey display traditional characters also?

I guess I did click on the wrong button during the install, because after a two more reboots forced by Puppy 5's black screen of death, all of my Puppy menus, and the menus in the installed apps (browsers, firefox, etc.) have been transformed into simplified Chinese.

It's interesting, but not very practicle for me, especially when trying to find and employ tools I haven't used before.

Since i can't use Puppy 5 without crashing every half hour or so, and I can't go online with Puppy 4.3.1 anymore, it looks as though I have to abandon Puppy altogether after two and a half years of daily use. And since I don't really want to go online with Windows, it looks like SLAX is going to replace Puppy for my web browsing.

If only I could figure out why Puppy 4.3.1 won't recognize my new modem on this one desktop machine...
Have managed to get back online with Puppy 4.3.1, and am happy to say goodbye to Puppy5. Now I have all my settings, and applications back, no more black screen crashes. And Chinese characters display properly again..


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