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InfoWorld Bossie 奖项共分为8个大类,60个获奖项目。 Puppy Linux获最佳迷你操作系统奖;CentOS和Ubuntu分别获最佳服务器操作系统和最佳桌面操作系统奖;
Small-Footprint OS
Puppy Linux
Puppy Linux packs a remarkable amount of capability into a small area. The current release, 4.0, is available in a bootable ISO image that's less than 90 megabytes. It easily fits on -- and can boot from -- a USB pendrive. It can also boot from CD-ROM or of course a hard drive. It's a fine candidate if you want to run Linux within a VM (like VirtualBox) on your Windows system. Puppy loads entirely into RAM, so applications execute with surprising speed.
Puppy Linux (中文版
小芭比Linux - 译者注)
Puppy Linux在很小的空间内集成了相当惊人的软件数量。最新版本4.0,是一个小于90MB的可启动iso镜像文件。她非常适合于通过U盘启动。她也可通过CD-ROM或硬盘启动。如果你想在windows系统里通过虚拟机(如