说Barbra Streisand算有点名气的人物有点太贬低她了,她好歹也是欧美家喻户晓的艺人,虽说现在已经慢慢淡出了。这个Streisand Effect的大致意思就是在Internet上想通过Censorship阻止大众了解某些内容往往适得其反。下面是Wikipedia中对这个词的解释:
The Streisand effect is a phenomenon on the Internet where an attempt to censor or remove a piece of information backfires, causing the information to be widely publicized. Examples of such attempts include censoring a photograph, a number, a file, or a website (for example via a cease-and-desist letter). Instead of being suppressed, the information quickly receives extensive publicity, often being widely mirrored across the Internet, or distributed on file-sharing networks. Mike Masnick said he jokingly coined the term in January 2005 “to describe increasingly common phenomenon”, the name being taken from a 2003 incident in which the singer Barbra Streisand attempted to use legal process to preserve her privacy, only to see the matter become far more prominent as a result.
The effect is related to John Gilmore's observation that "The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it."
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