USB sticks / external harddrive
USB sticks and external harddrives are very simple to use. Start the program "Menu | File managers | Pmount mount/unmount drives" and click on the button "Refresh". Then you click on the USB stick symbol and the file manager ROX will automatically open and show you the files on the USB stick. External harddrives with FAT32-filesystem can be used too. If you changed the file system of the external harddrive e.g. to an ext3-filesystem the program Pmount can not mount the external harddrive. In this case you open a shell and enter:
mount /dev/sdax /mnt/sdax (e.g. for the first partition: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1)
USB sticks and external harddrives are very simple to use. Start the program "Menu | File managers | Pmount mount/unmount drives" and click on the button "Refresh". Then you click on the USB stick symbol and the file manager ROX will automatically open and show you the files on the USB stick. External harddrives with FAT32-filesystem can be used too. If you changed the file system of the external harddrive e.g. to an ext3-filesystem the program Pmount can not mount the external harddrive. In this case you open a shell and enter:
mount /dev/sdax /mnt/sdax (e.g. for the first partition: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1)
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U盘和外置硬盘使用起来很简单。开始程序“菜单|文件管理器|挂载/卸载驱动器”(“Menu|File Managers|Pmount mount/unmount drivers”)并单击“刷新”("Refresh")。接着单击U盘符号,文件管理器ROX将自动打开显示在U盘上的文件。使用FAT32文件系统的外置硬盘也可使用。如果你更改外置硬盘上的文件系统,比如更改为ext3文件系统,程序Pmount将不能挂载外置硬盘。在这种情况下你可以打开终端并输入:
mount /dev/sdax /mnt/sdax (比如要打开第一个分区:mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1)