Tips and tricks
Upper and lower case
Linux always differentiates between upper and lower case. The two files MyFile.txt and myfile.txt are different file.
Special characters
Do not use special characters except for minus (-) and underline (_) for filenames or directory-names. Don't use the space-character. Use the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _ only.
How to move files with ROX
If you left-click on a file and pull it to another directory the file is copied. If you press the shift-key at the same time, the file is moved.
Further inforamtions about ROX
The contextmenu of ROX
To use the contextmenu of ROX right-click on a file or directory.
Copy and paste in the shell rxvt
Copy = left mouse-click
Paste = middle mouse-click
Automatic completion in the shell rxvt
You do not have to type the entire path or filename at the shell. It is enough to type the first letters and then press the tabulator-key. The shell completes the directory-name or filename.
Upper and lower case
Linux always differentiates between upper and lower case. The two files MyFile.txt and myfile.txt are different file.
Special characters
Do not use special characters except for minus (-) and underline (_) for filenames or directory-names. Don't use the space-character. Use the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _ only.
How to move files with ROX
If you left-click on a file and pull it to another directory the file is copied. If you press the shift-key at the same time, the file is moved.
Further inforamtions about ROX
The contextmenu of ROX
To use the contextmenu of ROX right-click on a file or directory.
Copy and paste in the shell rxvt
Copy = left mouse-click
Paste = middle mouse-click
Automatic completion in the shell rxvt
You do not have to type the entire path or filename at the shell. It is enough to type the first letters and then press the tabulator-key. The shell completes the directory-name or filename.
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提示和技巧(Tips and tricks)
Linux是大小写敏感的,比如MyFile.txt 和 myfile.txt就是不同的两个文件。特殊字符
文件名和目录名尽量不要用特殊字符,除了横杠(-)和下划线(__)。不要用空格,就只用 “A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _” 这些字符。在ROX中如何移动文件?
在shell中你没必要一个字一个字的敲入文件名或者目录名,只需要输入第一个字母,然后敲下 TAB 键,系统就自动帮你补全了。我的经验,一般要输入2到3个字母才能实现准确的补全。