由 xflucky 于 星期二, 11/11/2008 - 23:43 发表
输入:./configure make # make install 这些单词反应出错误:
# cd ..
# ls
archive dev initrd lost+found mouse proc sbin tmp var
bin etc lib mnt opt root sys usr
# cd usr
# ls
bin etc include lib local sbin share X11 X11R6 X11R7
# cd laocal
bash: cd: laocal: No such file or directory
# cd local
# ls
apps lib petget pmusic pstopwatch
autoconnect MPlayer-1.0rc2 pfilesearch ppg ptimer
bin MPlayer-1.0rc2.tar.bz2 pfind pprocess Pwget
etc pbackup picpuz pschedule share
jwmconfig2 pburn pmirror psip xfprot
# cd MPlayer-1.0rc2
# ls
access_mpcontext.h fmt-conversion.h metadata.h playtree.c
asxparser.c get_path.c mixer.c playtree.h
asxparser.h get_path.h mixer.h playtreeparser.c
AUTHORS gui m_option.c playtreeparser.h
cfg-common.h help m_option.h README
cfg-mencoder.h input mp3lib rpm
cfg-mplayer-def.h liba52 mpbswap.h spudec.c
cfg-mplayer.h libaf mpcommon.c spudec.h
Changelog libao2 mpcommon.h stream
codec-cfg.c libass mpcommon.mak sub_cc.c
codec-cfg.h libavcodec mp_core.h sub_cc.h
command.c libavformat mp_fifo.c subopt-helper.c
command.h libavutil mp_fifo.h subopt-helper.h
common.mak libdvdcss mplayer.c subreader.c
configure libfaad2 mplayer.h subreader.h
configure.log libmenu mp_msg.c TOOLS
Copyright libmpcodecs mp_msg.h tremor
cpudetect.c libmpdemux mp_msg-mencoder.c unrarlib.c
cpudetect.h libmpeg2 m_property.c unrarlib.h
cpuinfo.c libpostproc m_property.h version.sh
cputable.h libswscale m_struct.c vidix
debian libvo m_struct.h vobsub.c
DOCS LICENSE osdep vobsub.h
drivers loader parser-cfg.c xvid_vbr.c
dvdread Makefile parser-cfg.h xvid_vbr.h
edl.c mangle.h parser-mecmd.c xvmc_render.h
edl.h m_config.c parser-mecmd.h
etc m_config.h parser-mpcmd.c
find_sub.c mencoder.c parser-mpcmd.h
# ./configure
Detected operating system: Linux
Detected host architecture: i386
Checking for cc version ... not found
Checking for gcc version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.4 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.3 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.2 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.1 version ... not found
Checking for gcc3 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.0 version ... not found
Checking for cc version ... not found
*** Please downgrade/upgrade C compiler to version gcc-2.95, 3.x or 4.x! ***
You are not using a supported compiler. We do not have the time to make sure
everything works with compilers other than the ones we use. Use either the
same compiler as we do, or use --disable-gcc-check but DO *NOT* REPORT BUGS
unless you can reproduce them after recompiling with a 2.95.x or 3/4.x version!
Note for gcc 2.96 users: Some versions of this compiler are known to miscompile
mplayer and lame (which is used for mencoder). If you get compile errors,
first upgrade to the latest 2.96 release (minimum 2.96-85) and try again.
If the problem still exists, try with gcc 3.x (or 2.95.x) *BEFORE* reporting
Error: Bad gcc version
Check "configure.log" if you do not understand why it failed.
# make #
bash: make: command not found
# make install
bash: make: command not found
输入:./configure make # make install 这些单词反应出错误:
# cd ..
# ls
archive dev initrd lost+found mouse proc sbin tmp var
bin etc lib mnt opt root sys usr
# cd usr
# ls
bin etc include lib local sbin share X11 X11R6 X11R7
# cd laocal
bash: cd: laocal: No such file or directory
# cd local
# ls
apps lib petget pmusic pstopwatch
autoconnect MPlayer-1.0rc2 pfilesearch ppg ptimer
bin MPlayer-1.0rc2.tar.bz2 pfind pprocess Pwget
etc pbackup picpuz pschedule share
jwmconfig2 pburn pmirror psip xfprot
# cd MPlayer-1.0rc2
# ls
access_mpcontext.h fmt-conversion.h metadata.h playtree.c
asxparser.c get_path.c mixer.c playtree.h
asxparser.h get_path.h mixer.h playtreeparser.c
AUTHORS gui m_option.c playtreeparser.h
cfg-common.h help m_option.h README
cfg-mencoder.h input mp3lib rpm
cfg-mplayer-def.h liba52 mpbswap.h spudec.c
cfg-mplayer.h libaf mpcommon.c spudec.h
Changelog libao2 mpcommon.h stream
codec-cfg.c libass mpcommon.mak sub_cc.c
codec-cfg.h libavcodec mp_core.h sub_cc.h
command.c libavformat mp_fifo.c subopt-helper.c
command.h libavutil mp_fifo.h subopt-helper.h
common.mak libdvdcss mplayer.c subreader.c
configure libfaad2 mplayer.h subreader.h
configure.log libmenu mp_msg.c TOOLS
Copyright libmpcodecs mp_msg.h tremor
cpudetect.c libmpdemux mp_msg-mencoder.c unrarlib.c
cpudetect.h libmpeg2 m_property.c unrarlib.h
cpuinfo.c libpostproc m_property.h version.sh
cputable.h libswscale m_struct.c vidix
debian libvo m_struct.h vobsub.c
DOCS LICENSE osdep vobsub.h
drivers loader parser-cfg.c xvid_vbr.c
dvdread Makefile parser-cfg.h xvid_vbr.h
edl.c mangle.h parser-mecmd.c xvmc_render.h
edl.h m_config.c parser-mecmd.h
etc m_config.h parser-mpcmd.c
find_sub.c mencoder.c parser-mpcmd.h
# ./configure
Detected operating system: Linux
Detected host architecture: i386
Checking for cc version ... not found
Checking for gcc version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.4 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.3 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.2 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.1 version ... not found
Checking for gcc3 version ... not found
Checking for gcc-3.0 version ... not found
Checking for cc version ... not found
*** Please downgrade/upgrade C compiler to version gcc-2.95, 3.x or 4.x! ***
You are not using a supported compiler. We do not have the time to make sure
everything works with compilers other than the ones we use. Use either the
same compiler as we do, or use --disable-gcc-check but DO *NOT* REPORT BUGS
unless you can reproduce them after recompiling with a 2.95.x or 3/4.x version!
Note for gcc 2.96 users: Some versions of this compiler are known to miscompile
mplayer and lame (which is used for mencoder). If you get compile errors,
first upgrade to the latest 2.96 release (minimum 2.96-85) and try again.
If the problem still exists, try with gcc 3.x (or 2.95.x) *BEFORE* reporting
Error: Bad gcc version
Check "configure.log" if you do not understand why it failed.
# make #
bash: make: command not found
# make install
bash: make: command not found
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