精简基于一步到位中文包4.1.0.10,里面用到的比如cd /root
是指进入中文包中的root目录。cd /root rm .jwm rm .AbiSuite rm .config rm .geany rm Choices cd / rm bin cd /usr/lib rm firefox rm icecat rm flock rm iceweasel rm opera rm seamonkey rm iceape rm libvte.so rm libvte.so.9 rm libvte.so.9.2.17 cd /usr/bin rm epdfview rm sakura rm lzma cd /usr/sbin rm didiwiki-gui rm icon_switcher rm net-setup.sh.ok1 rm pcdripper rm pdict rm pmetatagger rm pplog_gui rm fixmenus cd /usr/share rm abiword-2.6 rm fotoxx rm vte rm pixmaps cd /usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES rm addShortcut.mo rm changeKey.mo rm confirmKey.mo rm didiwiki-gui.mo rm file-selector.mo rm focusModel.mo rm fpm2.mo rm geany.mo rm glipper_shell.mo rm gnumeric-functions.mo rm gtkam.mo rm gwhere.mo rm gxine.mo rm gxineshell.mo rm homebank.mo rm icon_switcher.mo rm inkscape.mo rm jwmConfigMgr.mo rm keyboard.mo rm leafpad.mo rm mhwaveedit.mo rm mozedit.mo rm net-setup.sh.mo rm notecase.mo rm panel-buttons.mo rm pcdripper.mo rm pdict.mo rm pidgin.mo rm pmetatagger.mo rm pmusic.mo rm ppg-gui.sh.mo rm pplog_gui.mo rm pprocess.mo rm prename.mo rm ptimer.mo rm sakura.mo rm stardict.mo rm sylpheed.mo rm taskbar.mo rm taskbarConfig.mo rm taskbarHeight.mo rm taskbarPlace.mo rm theme_switcher.mo rm trayInsert.mo rm virtualDesk.mo rm Wallpaper.mo rm xsaneshell.mo cd /usr/local rm jwmconfig2 rm net_setup rm pmusic rm pprocess rm ptimer rm ppg cd /usr/local/apps rm ROX-Filer rm Wallpaper cd /usr/local/bin rm defaulttexteditor rm defaultwordprocessor rm glipper_shell rm prename rm pstopwatch rm mozedit cd /usr/local/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ rm GdMap.mo cd /usr/X11R7 rm bin cd /etc/ rm xdg rm rc.d # /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d doesn't work rm /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d rm /usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/pup_event_frontend_d.mo # /usr/local/bin/drive_all doesn't work # replace /usr/local/bin/drive_all with newly patched one rm /usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/drive_all.mo
以前制作Puppy的人可能没有太注意,很多文件的所有者都在系统中不存在。find ! -user 0 ! -user 502 ! -user 503 ! -user 1000 ! -user 1 ! -user 2 -exec chown root:root {} \; find ! -group 0 ! -group 1 ! -group 2 ! -group 200 ! -group 500 ! -group 65534 ! -group 501 ! -group 502 ! -group 2 ! -group 17 ! -group 503 ! -group 1000 ! -group 30 -exec chown root:root {} \;
- 用mkfontdir和mkfontscale重建
rm /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1/*
- update libfreetype.so.6.3.16,此包来源于murga-linux,用于支持subpixel
find /usr -name "fonts.cache*"
,这些文件应该是没有用的,现在cache应该都是在/var/cache里面fc-cache -fv
- set "CommandLoginShell=TRUE" and "FontName=DejaVu Sans Mono 13" in /root/.config/Terminal/terminalrc
- set "book_title=\ 菜单\ " in /root/.config/xfce4/panel/xfce4-menu-*.rc
- set "Name[zh_CN]=" and "Comment[zh_CN]=" in /root/.config/xfce4/panel/launcher-*.rc
- set /root/.config/mcs_settings/xfwm4.xml /root/.config/mcs_settings/gtk.xml for window manager theme and gtk theme
- remove Viesta-Blue/ Symphony/ Stardust/ Xfce-saltlake in /usr/share/themes/theme
- remove "GenericName[zh_CN]=设定管理器" from /usr/share/applications/xfce-setting-manager.desktop
- remove "<appname * 设置管理器>" from /root/.config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml
rm /root/.config/xfce4/panel/separator-11817179502.rc
,美观考虑- remove the line about /separator-11817179502.rc in
- set /root/.config/xfce4/panel/cpugraph-*.rc
- 圣诞主题设置
- cp puppy_wallpaper*.jpg to /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops
- cp christmas_dog*.jpg wallpaper to /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops
- set /root/.config/xfce4/mcs_settings/desktop.xml for wallpaper
- cp christmas_tree*.png splash to /usr/share/xfwm4
- set /root/.config/xfce4-session/xfce4-splash.rc for splash screen
- add protocol gsopcast/mms/rtsp to /root/.opera/opera6.ini
- update /root/.opera/opera6.adr,修改bookmarks
rm /root/.opera/vps /root/.opera/opcache /root/.opera/cache4
- 编译前的配置指令
./configure --prefix=/usr --confdir=/etc/mplayer --disable-mencoder --enable-gui --language=zh_CN --enable-runtime-cpudetection --disable-gl --disable-libavutil_a --disable-libavcodec_a --disable-libavformat_a --disable-libpostproc_a --enable-menu
,自动检测cpu,没有这个在有MMX/SSE的cpu上编译的MPlayer无法在老式cpu上运行--disable-libavutil_a --disable-libavcodec_a --disable-libavformat_a --disable-libpostproc_a
cp libavutil/intreadwrite.h /usr/include/ffmpeg/
,不然没有办法在动态链接ffmpeg的配置下编译。- 修改/etc/mplayer/config,嘿嘿,这是俺多年使用mplayer的经验积累
- add mouse events to /etc/mplayer/input.conf,用鼠标操作,方便
- set MYVIDOUT="-vo xv,x11" at line 4 in /usr/bin/mplayershell,有xv就用xv,没xv用x11
- set LANG in /etc/profile
rm /etc/network-wizard/network/interfaces/*
,垃圾文件rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/{libmozsvgdev.so,libnpp.so}
,感觉是垃圾ln -s Terminal /usr/bin/sakura
,解决pppoe-config中文显示rm /usr/share/mplayer/font* -r
,英文字幕用,垃圾- 把fcitx移动到位,然后复制
到sfs中的相应目录里 - remove "./:" from $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in
,不符合unix类系统使用习惯。 rm /usr/lib/libnss* /usr/lib/libsmime3.so /usr/lib/libssl3.so
,垃圾,估计是装opera-shared时带的,但opera-static用不着- 安装gsopcast,从ubuntu找来libstd++5*放入
,sp-sc要用 rm /bin/dpkg-deb
,感觉没用- modify 'msgstr "%Y年%m月%d日 %A"' in xfce4-panel.po and regenerate the .mo file
- overwrite the default libc with libc-2.6.1 (only keep /lib) from ubuntu,解决永中office和epdfview导致xfce崩溃
rm /usr/sbin/listdriver
,忘了做什么的了,应该是没用的东西。- 安装qqshell
- 上mplayer了,xine就不要了
rm xine-plugin rm xine-ui rm /usr/share/xine rm /usr/lib/xine
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