Virus scanner
If you want to scan your files or a Windows computer you can use F-Prot virus scanner. You can download the program from the Forum. After you have downloaded and installed the program open a shell and enter the following command while you are still online.
Now you can update the virus definitions. Then you can get offline.Mount your Windows-partition (mount /dev/hdax /mnt/hdax) and make thefollwing settings in F-Prot:
Path to scan: /mnt/hdax
Scan mode: Interactive
Report file: /root/xfprot.log
When the virus scan has finished you can find the log-file at /root/xfprot.log.
If you want to scan another Windows computer, you can remasterPuppy. Boot the Windows computer from the remastered Puppy CD(boot-option puppy pfix=ram) and scan the PC as described above.
If you want to scan your files or a Windows computer you can use F-Prot virus scanner. You can download the program from the Forum. After you have downloaded and installed the program open a shell and enter the following command while you are still online.
Now you can update the virus definitions. Then you can get offline.Mount your Windows-partition (mount /dev/hdax /mnt/hdax) and make thefollwing settings in F-Prot:
Path to scan: /mnt/hdax
Scan mode: Interactive
Report file: /root/xfprot.log
When the virus scan has finished you can find the log-file at /root/xfprot.log.
If you want to scan another Windows computer, you can remasterPuppy. Boot the Windows computer from the remastered Puppy CD(boot-option puppy pfix=ram) and scan the PC as described above.
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病毒查杀(Virus scanner)
这样就可以更新病毒库了。更新完毕后就可以下线了,然后挂载上Windows分区(mount /dev/hdax /mnt/hdax),并按下图所示在F-Prot做些设定。
如果你要扫描另外一台Windows电脑,你可以刻录下Puppy,然后用这张CD启动(boot-option puppy pfix=ram),之后的步骤就和上面描述的一样了。
关于boot-option puppy pfix=ram
这个是你在用CD启动时,会有许多选项供你选择,你就选择上面这一个。Why? 我没用过Puppy不知道。发表新评论